
Technology Solutions Available!

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Welcome! Its my priority to provide every customer with excellent prompt quality service.

During my past several years in the IT and Data / Phone Communications Industry, I have always believed in keeping technology costs affordable and not a financial burden for my customers. In today's unpredictable economy, why should someone have to spend lots of money to fix a computer or data / phone communications related issue? Everyone deserves a low-cost solution that works.

I offer an affordable ( $45 ) Diagnostic and Estimate Consultation and a low-cost labor rate that's based on the requested work your needing done. So in a typical business or residential setting, the average diagnostic process takes 45 minutes to 1 hour to perform at which an estimate of total costs is written and shared before any further work is completed. *Please see Offered Services page for details.

Again, thank you for your interest. I look forward to assisting you with your technology needs. So feel free to reach out with any further questions or to schedule an appointment today! Please include your personal and or business name, your phone number, your email address (*if using my Service Request Form below), your question and any other related detail needs.

Your business is much appreciated!

Thank You!


Duluth, MN

PDF Doc: My Business Resume